Targeting Optimization Simplified
Most marketers think that proper targeting is all they need to run a successful campaign. After all, it only makes sense that if you target those that can afford your services and...
Most marketers think that proper targeting is all they need to run a successful campaign. After all, it only makes sense that if you target those that can afford your services and...
Today, competition in any market place can be an unsavoury reality to live with. In the digital landscape we can....
In the quest for growth it is often that medium-to-large businesses hit a roadblock...
“Digital leads are low quality”, “They don’t pick up the phone”, “Our sales guys are getting frustrated”, and a hundred more. Surely, every single business...
A marketing funnel will often have a fairly predictable structure: lead generation, lead processing, sale conversion. Typically, the first and the last step of the funnel will command...
Metal roofing is one of those verticals that you have a hate-it-or-love-it type of a relationship with. You either love it due to its variety, flexibility, performance and longevity or, you hate it because...
Perhaps one of the fastest growing verticals in the marketing world is the home remodeling sector.
Lead volumes have grown 54-300%, depending...
“Cold” and “warm” traffic are both terms most in the marketing world have used or come across in some shape or form. The consensus is pretty easily agreed on - warm traffic is good and cold traffic...
When one is asked of performance marketing, it’s easy to just say “Well, isn’t all marketing performance marketing?”. After all, the end goal of marketing is to increase performance, in whichever way that performance...